Title: NECO school: science and methods for wide-field photometric and spectroscopic extragalactic and cosmological surveys
This school will be the first summer school organized by the France - Japan Network for extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology (NECO).
This first edition of the school will be held in person. We are studying the possibility of virtual attendance.
The school is designed to provide young astronomers an updated information on the science and methods for projects related to wide-field photometric and spectroscopic surveys (e.g. SUBARU/PFS, ESA/Euclid, but also other wavelength ranges), with the associated scientific objectives related to galaxy formation and evolution, large-scale structures, Epoch of Reionization, etc.
Beside the lectures, this school will present and provide hands-on activities to learn how to estimate redshifts (photometric and spectroscopic) and to derive relevant physical parameters from these data (individually and together).
*** The first NECO School is confirmed, and will happen. ***
Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University
Aug. 28 to Sept. 8, 2023
Scientific Committee:
- Véronique BUAT (LAM, France)
- Denis BURGARELLA (LAM, France)
- Kiyotomo ICHIKI (Nagoya, Japan)
- Akio K. INOUE (Waseda, Japan)
- Kana MORIWAKI (Tokyo, Japan)
- Tsutomu T. TAKEUCHI (Nagoya, Japan)
- Atsushi TARUYA (Kyoto, Japan)
Organizing Committee:
- Akio K. INOUE (Waseda)
- Kiyotomo ICHIKI (Nagoya)
- Shogo ISHIKAWA (Kyoto, Japan)
- Atsushi NARUKO (Kyoto, Japan)
- Tsutomu T. TAKEUCHI (Nagoya)
- Atsushi TARUYA (Kyoto, Japan)
Week 1
What do we gain with from multi-wavelength surveys (gamma X, UV, optical, IR, radio)
- Véronique BUAT (Mo. AM 28/08/2023, France)
- What science objective for wide-field spectroscopic surveys
- Galaxies: Masami OUCHI (Tu. AM 29/08/2023, Japan)
- Methods to analyze wide-field photometric surveys
- Denis BURGARELLA (Tu. PM 29/08/2023, France)
- Tools to measure redshift (photometric and spectroscopic)
- Roser PELLO (We. AM 30/08/2023, France)
- Physics of Radiation Spectra of Galaxies
- Akio INOUE (Th. AM 31/08/2023, Japan)
- Galaxy formation with cosmological simulation and machine learning
- Kana MORIWAKI (Fr. AM 01/09/2023, Japan)
Week 2
- A statistical approach to wide-field surveys
- Tsutomu TAKEUCHI (Mo. AM 04/09/2023, Japan)
- What science objective for wide-field photometric surveys
- Galaxies: Tomomi SUNAYAMA (Tu. AM 05/09/2023, Japan)
- What science objective for wide-field spectroscopic surveys
- Cosmology: Atsushi TARUYA (We. AM 06/09/2023, Japan)
- What science objective for wide-field photometric surveys
- Cosmology: Pauline VIELZEUF (Th. AM 07/09/2023, France)
- Methods and Science for sub-millimeter wide-field surveys
- Jorge Zavala (Fr. AM 08/09/2023, Japan)
Other activities:
The students will be asked to present an original work in a poster, and in a short oral presentation.
Practical information:
- Accomodation:
- Food: information to come
- Social event(s): information to come
graduate level and above, including post-docs. We plan to have a total of 24 students (12 from Japan, 12 from France) who will be selected and/or invited.
- The application deadline is extended to June 15, 2023
- To apply for the school, you will need to fill a registration form. Note that there is not template, you need to build it yourself with the information below, and submit it:
- A motivation letter outlining (1) your motivation to join the school, (2) your background and experience with astronomy research, and (3) how the school will benefit your future research work
- A recommendation letter from an adviser or otherwise someone who can speak to your experience and potential
- You should provide the email address of your referee in the application form and we will contact them with instructions on how to submit their recommendation letters
- Then, your application will be submitted by email to: neco@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp